Author: Louis

The Jewish Myth of the Palestine/Israel Occupation

The Jewish Myth of the Palestine/Israel Occupation

Letters to the Editor: Racists and antisemites have freedom of speech. So do decent people, if they are honest about themselves.

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“Jews and Communists”

As a former Communist and a long time member of the International Workers of the World, I would like to offer my two cents of advice to those who have fallen in line with the Jewish Lobby to support the Zionist Occupation of Palestine.

One of the issues in Palestine/Israel is the Palestinian refugees. This is a Jewish myth that was created by the Zionists to justify their creation of the Jewish state. “If any Jew came to the Holy Land today and was able to live or even live to grow old in peace with his neighbors, that Jew would become a Palestinian.” This is a lie concocted by the Zionists to justify the creation of the Jewish state and the theft of the Palestinian land. The Jewish state is a Jewish State and Israel is a Jewish State.

This is a lie because it has been proven that the land of Palestine was Palestinian land before 1948. It was given by the British to the Jewish population that was not even a nation. They had no right to it. Not only did they have no right to it, the Arabs had no right to it either, which is why it was called the “Land of Israel.”

If the Jews of Palestine were to create an Israeli state today, the Arab population would be in a state of revolt. The Palestinians would fight to defend their land. They would not accept the Jews as a state in Israel. They would continue to fight for a state in their own land to which their ancestors had been deprived of. Then they would fight to be recognized by the world as the “Palestinian people.” They would fight to be recognized as people of their own land. This is the battle that is raging today in the Middle East.

For the Jews of Palestine to recognize the Palestinian people as the “Palestinians” is to recognize the true “Palestinian people.” It is to recognize them as a sovereign power. It is to recognize their right to their own land,

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